Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last day in Houston

Today is my last full day in Houston. I have a few loose ends to tie up at work. Tonight I need to finish packing and spend my last precious hours with my husband. We just got married 2 months ago, so this is going to be rough timing for us.

Tomorrow I leave straight from work. I have two flights. The first is 9 hours, the second is only an hour. Once I get there I have to figure out public transportation to get to Graz University of Technology. After registration, we have a welcome dinner and student introductions. There are 121 students - so that's a lot of people to meet! I wonder if I'll be able to remember all their names! On Sunday we have orientation all day. I'm hoping to post some pictures of the dorm room and the beautiful campus if I get some free time this weekend. I'll also have to catch up on sleep! We just got back from Greece for our honeymoon. I'll definitely say I prefer the trip east rather than west. I know some people are opposite. I like to just try to stay up the whole first day until bedtime, then get a really good sleep that night. Usually on the second day I'm ok. But coming home it can take 2-3 days to adjust and not wake up in the middle of the night.

What's your best advice for overcoming jet lag?

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